Intimacy in Writing by Bob Dolman

bob dolmanIntimacy in writing by Bob Dolman

Om några veckor kommer Bob Dolman till Sverige. Han har arbetat länge i Hollywood som manusförfattare och regissör. Han har vunnit två Emmys för sina TV-manus och arbetat med George Lucas, Ron Howard, Tom Cruise och Nicole Kidman på sina långfilmer. Det känns väldigt roligt att han kommer till vår studio och håller en workshop. Här är några tankar som han har kring workshopen.

An important one is the notion of intimacy in writing. Something of the writer/director's inner life must participate in the creation of a film (or any work of art) for it to resonate with its audience. I really believe this. When films are contrived and formulaic, they are lifeless, even if they accomplish a lot of visual excitement. In fact, the visual excitement makes things worse because it's trying to fake intimacy with a lot of tricks. My plan is to teach the students how to tap into their own inner lives by freely writing scenes. The aliveness of the scenes will make its way into the screenplay and onto the screen - and the creative journey will be much more enjoyable because the writer's heart is engaged.

/Bob Dolman

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